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曲目 韓德爾名曲101席巴女王之進場、彌賽亞、水上音樂、皇家煙火、大協奏曲、管風琴協奏曲、加冕頌歌 等 Handel 101 演出者 馬利納、慕辛格、許洛德、費莉亞、鮑爾特、倫敦愛樂管弦樂團、蘇莎蘭、聖馬丁學會管弦樂團、司徒加室內管弦樂團、阿姆斯特丹協奏團 等 Marriner, Munchinger, Ferrier, Sutherland, ASMIF, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, etc. 本集精介   巴洛克時期重要作曲家韓德爾寫過歌劇、神劇、室內清唱劇及其他各式各樣的許多作品。他的音樂不著重表面的精緻化,而在探求內在的深度,呈現出天籟般的美感與氣質。他精通義大利音樂風格,將大協奏曲技巧用到聲樂曲之中,音樂充滿強勁的驅策力、華美的旋律與豐富的情感,在當代堪稱一絕。  韓德爾作品為數最多的是歌劇及神劇,其中最著名的首推《彌賽亞》,此作足以顯示作曲者的宗教虔誠及宏大的氣勢,首演即轟動樂壇。其管弦樂名作《水上音樂》和《皇家煙火》及《大協奏曲》,都是當今仍然十分受歡迎的曲目。本專輯以6張低價版CD收錄韓德爾最重要的作品,包括《席巴女王之進場》、《彌賽亞》、《水上音樂》、《皇家煙火》、《大協奏曲》、《管風琴協奏曲》、《加冕頌歌》等,讓愛樂者能以最經濟且最快速的方式認識這位音樂史上絕對不容忽視的重要作曲家。  1685年2月23日生於德國哈雷市,雖然韓德爾的外表壯碩,個性衝動,舉止和言談粗魯,但是對於朋友來說,他卻是個幽默、性情快活、頑固但對宗教信仰堅定的人。父親一直希望他能夠成為律師,可惜事與願違,韓德爾從小就對音樂有異常濃厚的興趣及天份。  1706年起,韓德爾在義大利威尼斯、佛羅倫斯和羅馬等地待了四年,期間學到很多作曲技巧,所寫的歌劇、神劇、清唱劇、協奏曲和奏鳴曲也得到當地人士的讚揚。韓德爾從1709年開始擔任漢諾瓦選帝侯的宮廷樂長,三年後利用休假的機會到英國發表歌劇。韓德爾在英國小有名氣,再度來訪受到英國各界歡迎,並應官方要求寫作《感恩讚美詩》慶祝英國奪取直布羅陀,為安妮女王寫作「生日頌歌」。韓德爾在英國樂不思蜀,竟棄官不歸,讓漢諾瓦選帝侯大為光火。沒想到安妮女王逝世後,來到英國繼承王位的居然正是與女王有遠親關係的漢諾瓦選帝侯,搖身變成喬治一世。這讓當年「叛逃」的韓德爾大為難堪,所幸韓德爾以一首《水上音樂》獻給喬治一世,喬治一世聽後龍心大悅,當下就赦免韓德爾的罪。韓德爾從此在英國發展事業,六十七歲雙目失明,1759年四月在倫敦逝世。曲目順序 CD 1 78.451 The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba* Solomon, HWV 67 3.15Academy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner2 Where'er You Walk* Semele, HWV 58 4.01Kenneth McKellar tenorOrchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Adrian Boult3 Dove sei, amato bene?* Rodelinda, HWV 19 4.20Bernadette Greevy contraltoAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Raymond Leppard4 Vivi, tiranno, io t'ho scampato* Rodelinda, HWV 19 6.00Marilyn Horne mezzo-sopranoVienna Cantata Orchestra / Conductor: Henry Lewis5 Waft Her, Angels, Through the Skies* Jephtha, HWV 70 4.49Anthony Rolfe Johnson tenorAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner6 Minuet from Overture* Berenice, HWV 38 4.08Academy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner7 See, the Conqu'ring Hero Comes!* Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63 3.00Handel Opera Society Chorus and Orchestra / Charles Farncombe8 Return, O God of Hosts* Samson, HWV 57 4.29Kathleen Ferrier contraltoLondon Philharmonic Orchestra / Adrian Boult9 Let the Bright Seraphim* Samson, HWV 57 5.52Joan Sutherland soprano / Harry Dilley trumpetChorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent GardenFrancesco Molinari-Pradelli10 Lascia ch'io pianga* Rinaldo, HWV 7a 4.48Bernadette Greevy contraltoAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Raymond Leppard11 March and Battle* Rinaldo, HWV 7a 2.35English Chamber Orchestra / Richard Bonynge12 Care selve* Atalanta, HWV 35 3.18Luciano Pavarotti tenorOrchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna / Richard Bonynge13 Pianger? la sorte mia* Giulio Cesare, HWV 17 5.48Teresa Berganza mezzo-sopranoOrchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden / Alexander Gibson14 Se un bell'ardire* Ezio, HWV 29 3.40Forbes Robinson bassAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Philip Ledger15 Frondi tenere e belle – Ombra mai f?* Serse, HWV 40 4.00Renata Tebaldi sopranoNew Philharmonia Orchestra / Richard Bonynge16 Tornami a vagheggiar Alcina, HWV 34 4.20Emma Kirkby sopranoThe Academy of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood17 Dream music: Entr?e de songes funestes...* Alcina, HWV 34 6.05Academy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner18 Ah Stigie larve! Orlando, HWV 31 2.22James Bowman counter-tenorThe Academy of Ancient Music / Christopher Hogwood19 Atterrato il muro cada Riccardo Primo, R? d'Inghilterra, HWV 23 1.55Sara Mingardo contraltoLes Talens Lyriques / Christophe Rousset CD 2 65.16Water Music — Suite in F Major, HWV 3481 I Ouverture 3.482 II Adagio e staccato 2.413 III Allegro – Andante 9.024 IV Presto 2.415 V Air 4.116 VI Minuet 2.537 VII Bour?e and Hornpipe 1.278 VIII Allegro 3.18Water Music — Suite in G Major, HWV 3509 I Menuet & Trio 2.1510 II Rigaudon I and II 2.5511 III Minuet I – Minuet II – Country Dance 5.16Water Music – Suite in D Major, HWV 34912 I Allegro 2.0313 II Hornpipe 3.0014 III Minuet 1.1815 IV Lentement 1.4716 V Bour?e 0.33Music for the Royal Fireworks — Suite, HWV 35117 I Ouverture 7.4618 II Bourr?e 1.0919 III La paix 3.2320 IV La r?jouissance 1.2121 V Menuet I-II 2.29Stuttgarter Kammerorchester / Karl M?nchingerCD 3 76.151 Concerto grosso in B flat major, op.3, no.1* 9.17Richard Adeney, Richard Taylor flutesRoger Lord, Michael Dobson oboes2 Concerto grosso in G major, op.3, no.3* 7.40Richard Adeney flute3 Concerto grosso in D major, op.3, no.6* 6.38Roger Lord, Michael Dobson oboesStanislav Heller harpsichord continuo4 Concerto grosso in A minor, op.6, no.4* 11.23Neville Marriner, Trevor Connah violinsThurston Dart continuo / Andrew Davis organ5 Concerto grosso in D major, op.6, no.5* 13.17Neville Marriner, Trevor Connah violinsThurston Dart continuo / Andrew Davis organ6 Concerto grosso in G minor, op.6, no.6* 15.51Neville Marriner, Trevor Connah violinsThurston Dart continuo / Andrew Davis organ7 Concerto grosso in B minor, op.6, no.12* 12.09Trevor Connah, Raymond Keenlyside violinsThurston Dart continuo / Andrew Davis organAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner CD 4 62.20Organ Concerto No.5 in F major, op.4, no.5* 1 I/II Larghetto – Allegro 4.402 III Alla siciliana 1.363 IV Presto 2.13Organ Concerto No.6 in B flat major, op.4, no.6* 4 I Andante allegro 5.465 II Larghetto 3.486 III Allegro moderato 2.29Organ Concerto No.11 in G minor, op.7, no.5* 7 I Andante allegro 2.548 II Adagio 1.339 III Andante larghetto e staccato 5.1510 IV Menuet 2.34Organ Concerto No.8 in A major, op.7, no.2* 11 I/II Overture – A tempo ordinario 7.1712 III Adagio 0.5713 IV Allegro 5.50Organ Concerto No.13 in F major, HMV 295 "Cuckoo and the Nightingale"* 14 I Larghetto – Allegro 5.3915 II Adagio 1.5416 III Allegro 1.2317 IV Larghetto 3.3218 V Allegro 3.00Daniel Chorzempa organConcerto Amsterdam / Jaap Schr?derCD 5 65.094 Coronation Anthems1 Zadok the Priest, HWV 258 5.43Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened, HWV 259 2 Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened 3.093 Let Justice and Judgement 3.044 Alleluia 2.02No.3 — The King Shall Rejoice, HWV 2605 Introduction - The King Shall Rejoice 2.596 Exceeding Glad Shall He Be 2.597 Glory and Worship Hast Thou Laid 2.388 Alleluia 2.35No.4 — My Heart Is Inditing, HWV 2619 My Heart Is Inditing 2.5710 King's Daughters Were Among Thy Honorable Women 2.5511 Upon Thy Right Hand 2.5812 Kings Shall Be Thy Nursing Fathers 3.07Anthem for the Foundling Hospital, HWV26813 Blessed Are They That Considereth the Poor 4.1914 Blessed Are They ...They Deliver the Poor 2.5915 O God Who from the Suckling's Mouth 4.0116 The Charitable Shall Be Had 3.4017 Comfort Them, O Lord 5.1118 The People Will Tell of Their Wisdom 3.3119 Hallelujah! 4.22John Elwes tenor / Charles Brett counter-tenorGillian Fisher, Libby Crabtree sopranosWinchester Cathedral ChoirThe Brandenburg Consort / David Hill CD 6 55.56Messiah, HWV 56* — highlightsPart 11 Comfort Ye 3.002 Ev'ry Valley 3.263 And the Glory of the Lord 2.584 Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive 0.315 O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion 5.306 For Unto Us a Child Is Born 3.357 And Suddenly There Was with the Angel 0.178 Glory to God in the Highest 1.459 Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion 4.11Part 210 Behold the Lamb of God 2.5911 He Was Despised 4.4612 All We like Sheep Have Gone Astray 3.2713 Hallelujah 3.41Part 314 I Know that My Redeemer Liveth 5.1515 The trumpet Shall Sound 4.0116 Worthy Is the Lamb...Blessing and Honour 2.5417 Amen 3.41Elly Ameling soprano / Anna Reynolds mezzo-soprano Philip Langridge tenor / Gwynne Howell bassJohn Wilbraham trumpetAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields ChorusAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields / Neville Marriner
資料來源:MOMO購物中心 - 【福茂唱片】Handel 101(韓德爾名曲101(6CD))
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